Descrição do Gerummy73.comeky - free dating app for gamers
Geeky allows you to chat with other users who have a common taste in video games. Comment on the main chat or search for other users to talk to them, the application also allows you to upload a profile picture and has a photo gallery so that people who visit your profile can see more about you, besides you can select your favorite song, your favorite book and of course your favorite video game and show people everything you like.
-Sign in quickly and easily with your Gmail account
-Shares with other people in the main group of the application
-Search for other users of the application and look at their profiles
-Upload photos to your user profile
-Add your interests so that other users can see them
-Select your favorite song, book and video game for others to see
-Receive suggestions from users you might be able to connect with
The application uses services to manage conversations between users, as well as notifications and also you can send multimedia messages; images and videos sent in all chats. All information stored on our servers will be kept private and will only be used to enhance the user experience.
Check the app main functionalities:
- Chat in the main group of the application
- Search through the users at the app
- Add a description to your profile
- Add interests to your profile so that other users can get to know you
- Upload your photos to show to other users
- Start conversations with other users
- Build a profile showing your passion for video games
- You only need a google account to get started
- Find other users who also have your tastes
- The chat is free
- User message and media file data are deleted from the server (for one-to-one chats) and are encrypted
- The user's interests are used to recommend other users with whom there may be an interaction