Official program of the Japan Aikido Assosiation (JAA) and application of Aikido Tomiki to free practice and personal defense.
The good thing about Aikido Tomiki is that it is a very open system in which different concerns or preferences of practitioners can fit: there are those who specialize more in competition (Shiai), who have more concerns about the practices of kata and koryus, those who love free practice (randori, toshu), etc.
I remember that my partner Pedro (4th dan aikido) of the oldest, Juan Carlos Aguilar's companion (my Sensei and 5th dan of aikido), asked Lee Ah Loi (8th dan aikido) about his concerns about the application of the techniques of Aikido Tomiki to self-defense and she answered by saying: "Search the Koryus."
And it is true that in the koryus you can find a large number of applications of techniques to different aggressions and threats, but from my point of view, it is still a kata where a type of aggression or threat is solved with a specific technique and where the improvisation tends to shine by its absence; that is, when you study a koryu you try to do it according to a RocketLeague Playstandard or model to follow.
Those who know me know about my concerns about the application of Aikido techniques to different situations of self-defense. I remember when I started on the Tomiki Aikido, that my teacher explained that one of the main differences of our Aikido style, with respect to others, was the orientation towards free practice.
As a free practice you have to understand the use of Aikido Tomiki techniques outside of the concept of kata as Randori, but do not confuse this with the Shiai or competition. That is, free practice is an agreement between uke and tory, in which uke attacks or threatens tory in a certain way and tory applies free techniques without following any order of kata and with the possibility of making applications on the basic techniques, which enhance or facilitate the execution of it.
Starting from this concept of free practice is where this website is developed that only aims to serve as a guide.