Free download 限界突破 ダイダッパー ※トイレの車窓から途中下車東京物語 APK for Android

  • Limit breakthrough Daidapper * Stopper from the train window of the toilet Tokyo story
  • Limit breakthrough Daidapper * Stopper from the train window of the toilet Tokyo story
Rummy 500 Description of 限界突破 ダイダッパー ※トイレの車窓から途中下車東京物語

* It will be incomplete work due to test release.

This time it is work of team 369 with TKH. (TKH stands for 3 people)

Production period of 5 people total We produced the game in one week.

It was a challenge to make a bakage that can taste "stimulus", "incandescence", "sense of accomplishment" in "easy-to-feel" with "easy-going".

Version history 限界突破 ダイダッパー ※トイレの車窓から途中下車東京物語 New in DieHard 1.0.3 · Ver 1.0.3
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