Descrição do Jauntlet Travel Blog & Journal
Tell stories of where you've been and share plans of where you will be with free social travel blogs from Jauntlet.
Chronicle your traveling adventures by collecting and mapping your:
Facebook posts
Swarm / Foursquare check-ins
Instagram photos
Twitter tweets
Upload multiple photos that you take offline and Jauntlet will automatically use the time and location of the photos to display them on your travel map and journal.
Make your travel journal and photos private and viewable only by select friends and family.
Your friends can follow your travel blog on the web or they can view a complete micro-blog on their Facebook newsfeed if you post it there.
Have a complete travel journal of your trip with maps and photos in your pocket or backpack to show other travelers whom you meet on the road.
Update your travel blog on your phone or tablet while traveling and use the Jauntlet.com website at home to do your blogging.
Use "travel bucket lists" to plan your trip and route, or to keep track of travel destinations that you want to visit.
Explore popular travel destinations and follow the travel blogs of other bloggers on their journeys.