Descrição do Moon Assistant - Lunar calendar & weather forecast
Moon Assistant provides the most important and useful information for every day 2021:
- time of sunrise/sunset
- lunar days
- weather forecast
- the position of the moon in the zodiac signs
- time the Moon void of course
- Moon phases
- eclipses
- planetary days and hours
- tattvas - a good time for business
In the settings you can choose:
- language (English, German, Russian)
- Light or Dark theme
- more than 1000 cities from 120 countries of the world
- date and time format
The time of events is automatically calculated for the selected city, taking into account the time zone and daylight saving time.
The user has the ability to add their own cities.
On separate pages there is information about the events of the moon for a month, a weather forecast for 5 days, planetary hours and tattvas.