Descrição do Rollout
The point of Rollout is simple, tilt your phone to move the marble and roll it throRise Of Apollough a maze full of obstacles. The aim of the game is to roll the marble into the checkered hole while avoiding all other holes.
The level selection world contains 8 rooms, each with 5 doors that take you to a level. Completing a level will reward you with a star, there are also extra stars on some levels that can be collected. You will need to collect these stars to progress to the next room. Can't complete a certain level? Don't worry, not all stars are needed to unlock the next room.
Turntables are obstacles that rotate when triggered. They only allow left-right or up-down travel.
Springs apply a strong force to the marble. Generally, avoid these in levels with lots of holes.
Doors restrict parts of the level. Some doors require a key to unlock or a button to open, some don't open at all, and some open freely.
Platforms push the marble around and can be triggered by buttons. Some platforms can destroy the marble when touched, don't touch these.
Buttons add interactivity to the level. They rotate turntables, move platforms, and open doors.