Dragon X Queen The Battle of Exile

Dragon X Queen The Battle of Exile - Exciting strategic battles in a fantasy card gameDragon X Queen: The Battle of Exile - colorful card game for android devices.

Fantasy card game
Rocket League Quite an entertaining game with RPG elements in which you will meet a group of heroes and embark on a long adventure together in the parallel universe of Edevis. Exciting travels across different cities and cultures, exciting card battles, interesting quests and many unique characters along with a high-quality storyline - all this awaits you in this game. At the same time, Dragon X Queen: The Battle of Exile will delight you with familiar game mechanics and interesting, rather addictive matches.

Deep strategic gameplay
One of the most important components of a successful battle is preparation, it is important to use a lot of cards with different abilities, choose heroes in a balanced way and defeat the strongest enemies in Dragon X Queen: The Battle of Exile. A wonderful story full of drama and interesting events, beautiful visual style and great animation, classic gameplay, a lot of content and a fantasy atmosphere that can give you a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Android OS
Open GL
Free Space
1.63 GB
Android TV
Gamepad Support
English language
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